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Star Trek Online

Tier 6 Starships - Dauntless

Von LaughingTrendy | Mo 22 Sep 2014 10:54:35 PDT

The original Dauntless class science vessel, discovered by the crew of the Voyager, was actually alien in origin. It featured Quantum Slipstream Drive technology, which was groundbreaking at the time, but ultimately this ship was created using Particle Synthesis to fool and trap the crew of the Voyager. In 2410 the blueprints for the original alien starship were closely examined and Starfleet Engineering Corps were able to re-create this impressive science vessel.

  • Minimum Rank: Vice Admiral
  • Faction: Federation
  • Availability: C-Store
  • Hull Strength: 29,700 (at level 50) and 36,000 (at level 60)
  • Shield Modifier: 1.3
  • Crew: 150
  • Weapons:  3 Fore, 3 Aft
  • Device Slots: 3
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Intel/Science, 1 Commander Science
  • Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 2 Engineering, 5 Science
  • Base Turn Rate: 14 degrees per second
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
  • Inertia: 50
  • +10 Weapon and +10 Auxiliary Power
  • Sensor Analysis
  • Sub-System Targeting
  • Secondary Deflector Slot
  • Console - Universal – Particle Synthesizer
  • Matter-Antimatter Warp Core
  • Hyper-Advanced Quantum Slipstream Drive
  • Starship Ability Package (Science Vessel)
    • Enhanced Particle Generators (+Exotic Damage)
    • Advanced Shield Systems (+Shield HP)
    • Enhanced Restorative Circuitry (+Shield and Hull Healing)
    • Auxiliary Power Infusers (+Max Auxiliary Power)
    • Radiant Nanite Cloud (Starship Trait)

Console – Universal – Particle Synthesizer

The Experimental Science Vessel comes equipped with the Particle Synthesizer. This sophisticated piece of technology can project a particle synthesis beam at a distant target. This will cause you to assume the appearance of your target and your distant foe and its nearby friends will take on your appearance thus causing tremendous confusion between your enemies. Additionally, a photonic decoy of your starship is created near your position to draw the attention of your enemies.

Radiant Nanite Cloud (Starship Trait)

After achieving level 5 in your Experimental Science Vessel’s Starship Mastery, you will unlock the Radiant Nanite Cloud starship trait. While this trait is slotted, all hull heal bridge officer abilities will heal for an additional 25% over 4 seconds in a 3 km radius.

Click here to learn more about Delta Rising, our free-to-play expansion for Star Trek Online. Explore the Delta Quadrant & rediscover the allies & the enemies the Voyager crew made during their exodus from distant space back to Earth & the Federation. Prepare yourself & your crew with an Delta Operations Pack now available for purchase! Click on the logo below to learn more about it.

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