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Star Trek Online

Tier 6 Starships

Von LaughingTrendy | Mo 22 Sep 2014 12:00:00 PDT


With the conflicts between the Federation and Klingon Empires finally subsiding, the major factions of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are refocusing their gaze outward once more. Accompanied by the revelation of a new path into the unexplored reaches of the Delta Quadrant, this newfound ceasefire has allowed an unprecedented reallocation of assets, labor and innovation, for the creation and manufacturing of fleets of starships suited for deep space exploration in potentially hazardous sectors.

Intel Hybrid Bridge Officer Seats

These new Tier 6 starships are more traditional than the previously announced Intel ships.  That said, all three of these ships feature a single Hybrid Intel Bridge Officer Seat.


Q: Will Fleet variants of these ships be available at Delta Rising launch?

A: Fleet versions of these starships will be released sometime after Delta Rising launch.

DISCLAIMER: All information in these blog posts are subject to change.

Starship Stats

Check out the stats for these three new Tier 6 ships.  It’s important to note that all stats are a work in progress.  It’s still very early in the development process and details will likely change. This is especially true for the ships’ scaling hit points.


Click here to learn more about Delta Rising, our free-to-play expansion for Star Trek Online. Explore the Delta Quadrant & rediscover the allies & the enemies the Voyager crew made during their exodus from distant space back to Earth & the Federation. Prepare yourself & your crew with an Delta Operations Pack now available for purchase! Click on the logo below to learn more about it.

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