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Star Trek Online

Season 9 Dev Blog #6

Von LaughingTrendy | Mi 26 Mär 2014 12:00:00 PDT

Undine Battlezone

Star Trek Online Season 8 STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus

The Undine have launched their attack on the Dyson Sphere! Their first target was the area previously occupied by the Voth. The Undine's strike was fast and accurate, using the power of their planet killers to wipe away the Voth fleet. Now, the Undine are building a stronghold on top of the remains of the Voth zone and are seeking to destroy anything in their path. Only the combined efforts of the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans could push back the Undine and destroy their planet killers!

What is the Undine Battlezone?

The battlezone is a level 50 space persistent zone where players are fighting the Undine for control over a strategic portion of the Dyson Sphere.

While designing the space battlezone, we carefully looked at player feedback on our ground battlezone. What worked really well? What can we improve? With that in mind, we are proud to present you with the new Undine Battlezone!

Star Trek Online Season 8 STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus

The battlezone has nine strategic points, with three different types of points. Factions need to take control of points in order to close down Undine rifts. Our goal is that the average play time at each point is between five to ten minutes.

The difficulty of each point will scale to the number of players in the area. Each point can be completed by yourself or with a full fleet of ships to back you up – the more players at a point, the more Undine will appear. When a point is complete, allied forces will come in to defend it, but beware, the Undine will reappear to take the point back and re-open a fluidic rift.

When all nine points are captured, players will be able to go after the Undine’s modified planet killers. There are three planet killers in all and players will only have a limited amount of time to defeat all of them before they retreat back to fluidic space.

Defeating at least one of the planet killers before time has run out will be considered a victory. When the time is up, or when all three planet killers are defeated, players will be given a reward for completing the zone based off of how many points they have helped to capture. Defeating all three planet killers will result in even more exciting things happening!

Star Trek Online Season 8 STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus


You will receive a reward of Dilithium and Undine Marks every time you help in completing a point. If you also help defeat a planet killer, you will receive an Isomorphic Injection for every planet killer defeated, assuming that you have helped in taking points in the zone.


Q: Are there going to be Command Credits from the battlezone to summon allies at points?

A: No, this system will not be in the space zone. Allies that appear at points will be static, and once they’re defeated, they’re gone. If a player notices a point is being taken by the Undine, they can fly over to prevent it. This has been balanced so a single player can prevent a friendly point from being recaptured.

Q: How can I reach the Undine Battlezone?

A: You can directly go to the Undine Battlezone from the Ground Battlezone. You can also go there from the Contested Zone, as well as from the initial entrance in the Allied Zone.

It’s important to note that everything mentioned above is subject to change during this feature’s beta test on Tribble.

Star Trek Online Season 8 STO MMORPG F2P Sci-Fi MMO Game Legacy of Romulus

We’re excited for players to play through the Undine Battlezone and find everything else we’ve put in, including perks and the chance to see some familiar faces lending a hand.

You’ll be able to play the Undine Battlezone in Season 9: A New Accord. We’ll see you there!

Sean “Commander Ander” McCann
Content Designer
Star Trek Online



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