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Star Trek Online

Foundry Spotlight: In the Shadow of MIDAS: Part 1

Von Ambassador Kael | Fr 23 Feb 2018 09:30:00 PST

The Foundry is a special program within Star Trek Online that allows users to make their own episodes, playable by other Captains within STO. To access it, open your Mission Journal, and select “Foundry,” at the top. Every now and then, we like to spotlight a particularly interesting or unique mission for all of you to experience. This time, we’re spotlighting “In the Shadow of MIDAS: Part 1” by GreenDragoon.

In the Shadow of MIDAS returns Starfleet Captains to the MIDAS array, the deep space communication array responsible for sending messages to Voyager on its long journey home. These messages were sent via wormhole, but Starfleet scientists have managed to open the wormhole enough to send two starships through. They haven’t returned, and it’s up to your Captain to figure out the mystery of their fate.

In the Shadow of MIDAS is a three part episode (And the third part isn't out yet - hurry up on that, Green, I need to know what happens!), so keep in mind that this is only the first part, and it does end on a cliffhanger. It’s a fantastic mission, full of great characters and environments. You can access it in the “Spotlight” section of the Foundry tab, in the Mission Journal. See you in game, Captains.


Mike Fatum

Community Manager

Star Trek Online

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