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Star Trek Online

Priority One Interviews STO's Character Artists!

Von Ambassador Kael | Mi 06 Sep 2017 10:00:00 PDT

Our friends at Star Trek and Star Trek Online fan podcast Priority One had some great new guests this week - Lead Character Artist Ian Casteneda and Character Artist Jorge Castillo. Here's their description for the show:

"This week, We find out what it takes to be the 1701-D’s IT Officer, Game of Thrones almost had a Star Trek connection, and we dissect the latest issue of Variety that had a wonderful article covering Star Trek Discovery.

In STO News, Season 13.5 – Escalation – is launching on console, and we’ve got an interview with Lead Character Artist Ian Castaneda and Character Artist Jorge Castillo to talk about bringing Geordi into the game.

Give it a listen here:

sto-news, sto-xbox, sto-playstation, star-trek-online,

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