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2017 Anniversary Mount Final Contest

Von enelimm | Fr 02 Dez 2016 10:00:00 PST


Greetings Perfect World,

Our 2017 Anniversary Community Mount has now entered the design phase!

Over the past couple months we have been polling you the community on which attributes this mount should have. Those polls are now complete and it’s time to show us what you think this mount should look like!

Starting today 12/2/16 and running through 12/16/16, please submit your concepts of what you think this mount should look like in this forum thread:




On 12/16/16, we will close this thread and we will then pick our favorite player created designs, and from that group, let you vote on the winner!


After all Polls, The Community has decided that this mount will be:

  • Bipedal
  • Mammal
  • Glowing Eyes
  • Curled Horns
  • Feathers
  • Ancient


Here are the rules:

  1. Designs MUST contain all listed attributes
  2. Attributes can be used in any creative manner
  3. All designs MUST be original works
  4. All designs must be appropriate for the audience
  5. You may submit more than one design but you may only win once
  6. Any visual medium will be accepted



Contest Begins: 12/2/16 – 10am PST
Design Thread Closes: 12/16/16 – 10am PST



The top 3 community voted designs will receive some really cool prizes:

First Place – You will receive full credit for the design of your mount, a special free copy of your mount when it is released, $100 free Zen

Second Place – A special free copy of the mount when it is released, $50 free Zen

Third Place - A special free copy of the mount when it is released, $30 free Zen


Good Luck Everyone!


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