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Gigantic: Rampage Edition

Compensation Package

Von Fero | Mo 15 Apr 2024 11:36:16 PDT

Hello Gigantic fans,

Over the past week, we’ve been working on fixing the issues that you have reported. And while we’re not quite where we want to be just yet, it has been a pleasure seeing you all jump into the game competing in Rush and Clash mode. We will keep working hard on squashing any remaining bugs and server hiccups in the upcoming days and weeks!

In the meantime, we’ve deployed a special airship to bring you the compensation package that we’ve promised you. It includes:

  • 5.000 Crowns
  • Charnok’s “A Cult of Greed” hero and weapon skin
  • Coming in a later game update: The classic hero skins for Margrave and Griselma

Additionally, we’re preparing a Double XP event for this upcoming weekend. Keep an eye on our social channels and on our Discord for the details when the time comes.

Thank you once again, we’ll see you on the airship!

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Holt euch den 5v5 MOBA Hero-Shooter mit 40 % Rabatt auf PC und PlayStation!
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Mehrere Korrekturen für gemeldete Probleme.

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