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Bonus RP & 15% off Wondrous Bazaar!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 12 апр 2018 07:00:00

Lord Neverember has called for Bonus Refinement Points! During this event, players above level 10 can earn Bonus Refinement Points directly granted to their characters for killing creatures within 7 levels of them.

In addition, you can also visit Wylandar “Wylie” Ilmarin in Protector’s Enclave for a 15% off sale at the Wondrous Bazaar this weekend!

Bonus Refinement Points and 15% off Wondrous Bazaar begins Thursday, April 12 at 10am PT

Bonus Refinement Points and 15% off Wondrous Bazaar begins Monday, April 16 at 10am PT

During the Bonus Refinement Points event, players above level 10 who kill creatures within 7 levels of them will receive Refinement Points, based on their level, directly granted to their character. There is a 40,000 RP cap per level 70 characters, and 20,000 RP cap for characters level 69 and below. 

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