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Developer Stream: The Maze Engine Story on 3/10

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Пн 07 мар 2016 11:35:00

Watch live video from PerfectWorld_Community on www.twitch.tv

Well met, adventurers,

On Thursday, March 10 from 3-4PM PT (What time is this for you?), we’ll be hosting a developer stream and talking about The Maze Engine’s story and campaign.

Staff Content Designer, Sean “Commander Ander” McCann and Community Manager, Andy “StrumSlinger” Wong will take you through the beginning of our next expansion and answer any questions you may have about it. We’ll be playing on the Preview shard – which means anyone is welcome to join if you copy over your character.

For an overview on what to expect, we have a few developer blogs you can read on the campaign, famous faces and art of the new maps.

As usual, here is your chance for more Purple Owlbears!

Where: Perfect World Twitch Channel

When: Thursday, March 10 from 3-4PM PT (What time is this for you?)

Who: Staff Content Designer, Sean “Commander Ander” McCann and Community Manager, Andy “StrumSlinger” Wong

We’ll see you there!

Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook for live stream announcements.

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