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Weekly News Recap July 10th, 2015

Автор: LaughingTrendy | Пт 10 июл 2015 17:00:00



A lot has been happening over the course of this week! Make sure you didn't miss anything with our News Recap blog. We feature this week's news as well as what we've been reading. Now is the perfect time to sit back and catch up on the latest news!


Neverwinter Recap

Check out all the news from Neverwinter over this past week as well as what we're reading around the web!


Our Latest News

What We're Reading


  • WeLoveFine Shirt Contest - Submissions are closed and now it's time to rate.
  • Dragon+ App - Dragon+ is your official mobile source for all-things Dungeons & Dragons. This free app has everything you want to know about D&D in one easy place.
  • Spellstorm by Ed Greenwood - Written by the creator of the Forgotten Realms world, this book is about a mythical Lost Spell, which has archwizards gathering to bid for it. However, they start dying one by one.
  • D&D Podcast: State of the Game - In this podcast, R&D's Mike Mearls looks at the state of the game and Paul Barrington talks about his partnership with a local school, which runs D&D games for kids.
  • Artwork by drowofdarkness - A Neverwinter community member posted their art work on the official forums. Take a look!
  • The Most Spectacular Ways Your Characters Have Died - This reddit thread is filled with adventurers talking about ways they died during D&D. Submit yours!


Star Trek Online Recap

Check out all the news from Star Trek Online over this past week as well as what we're reading around the web!

Our Latest News


  • Tales of the War #12 - With the Krenim assisting the Alliance's efforts, the Corps of Engineers are attempting construction of both a brand new ship as well as experimental weaponry
  • Last Chance Lock Box Event - The Lobi Crystal Consortium has announced that they are no longer going to be offering the Xindi-Terrestrial Lock Box as in-game drops and rewards as of July 16th
  • Assemble The Fleets - As we prepare for the oncoming Iconian attack, we must assemble our forces. It will take every Captain we can muster if we have a chance at fending off the assault


What We're Reading


star-trek-online, nw-news, nw-xbox, arc-news, sto-news,

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