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Release Notes: 08/21/14

Автор: DwightMC | Чт 21 авг 2014 07:05:00

Patch Notes: NW.25.2014081a.4


Classes and Balance

  • Control Wizard
    • Assailing Force: This feat may now be resisted and deflected in PVP.
    • Repel: Adjusted Timings to Repel to prevent it from being cancelled after a foe has been pushed. Foes should no longer randomly resist this power too much.
  • Hunter Ranger
    • Fox Shift: Can now be used without a target again and will properly go on cooldown when used, regardless of whether it hits targets.
    • Rain of Arrows: This power no longer builds AP when cast out of combat.
    • Seismic Shot: Will no longer fire a low resolution humanoid figure when at low video settings.
    • Soul Puppet: Soul Puppets now correctly despawn when their summoner is killed.
  • Scourge Warlock
    • Warlock's Curse: Curse will now correctly clean up when a target dies.

Content and Environment

  • Dread Ring: There is no longer invisible collision on the path leading from the Vanguard Camp to the Ribcage.


  • Resolved a few cases where enemies could not find a path to players ins some rare cases.

Items and Economy

  • Black Ice Shaping Profession tool upgrades are now back to Level 3.
  • Blue Dragon Glyph: Once the Aspect of Lightning buff is active, the damage reflection proc can now only occur once per second.
  • Oghmas Token of Free Movement now has a proper cooldown length at Legendary quality.
  • The Rod of Imperial Restraint artifact has a decreased drop rate for participation less than Great Success in the Venfithar (Rothe Valley) and Vilithrax (Whispering Caverns) Heroic Encounters. Great Success in the Heroic Encounters remains the same.
  • There is now a set bonus for the Scourge Warlock Dread Ring set.
  • Tyranny of Dragons: Faction cloaks are now properly free to transmute as they state they are.

Performance and Stability

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Wine from properly compiling graphics shaders and causing client crashes for both Linux and Mac (please note, we do not support Wine, Linux or Mac as official platforms).
  • Resolved an issue with some AMD processors having stuttering issues.
  • Resolved some client crashes that were affected some shader model 2.0 video cards.

User Interface

  • Foundry map icons now have a nice round border treatment again on the overworld map.
  • Item and power chat linking works consistently again.

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