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Northdark Divided Battle Pass!

Автор: Nitocris | Пн 21 ноя 2022 07:00:00

Araumycos’s spores can be found within the Northdark Reaches. Umber Hulks are afoot, and something is going on with the drow in the Underdark. Heroes are made in troubled times, and the vaults of the Protector’s Enclave have been opened to those who adventurers who prove their mettle.

The Northdark Divided Battle Pass begins Tuesday, November 29, at 7:30 AM PT*.

The Northdark Divided Battle Pass will end Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 7:30 AM PT.

* See details for each milestone start date

Starting November 29, Neverwintan adventurers will be able to progress the Northdark Divided Battle Pass by completing random queues and by completing Major Heroic Encounters in the Northdark Reaches. Each day you can complete the following tasks for progress:

  • Random Trial or Random Skirmish Queue
  • Random Dungeon or Random Advanced Dungeon Queue
  • Major Heroic Encounters in the Northdark Reaches

As with the prior Battle Passes, if you miss a day, it is not an issue at all! Tasks are granted every day, even if you’re not able to log in, and they stack up to three tasks maximum. You can make progress on the active milestone for free, and Premium Pass holders can make progress on previous milestones as well.

Progress and reward claims are account wide.

  • Milestones start on 11/29/22, and run for 5 weeks each
  • The final milestone will end on 3/14/23
  • Purchase a Premium Battle Pass for 2500 Zen and unlock the premium track for all three milestones
  • If you purchase the Premium Battle Pass, you can make progress on prior milestones, after they are over
  • There are milestone buyouts starting at 1,000 Zen per milestone. The cost is reduced based on how much progress you have made in that milestone
  • Progress for Premium Pass holders can be done through 3/21/23
  • Premium Pass and Milestone Buyouts are account-wide purchases


What you’re really here for is the treasure, right? So here we go! All rewards are bound to account, and can only be claimed once per account.

Milestone 1, The Fallen City

Available beginning Nov. 29, 2022, the first milestone grants the following rewards:

Reward Number

Free Track

Premium Track


2x Enchanted Keys

2x Astral Lockboxes


20 Reward Reroll Tokens

4x Enchanted Keys


Astral Lockbox

Vanity Pet Choice Pack*


5x Shards of Greater Empowerment

Coalescent Mote

* If you have all of the vanity pets, you can opt for a Legendary Insignia Choice Pack instead.

Milestone 2, A Chaotic Affliction

Available beginning Jan. 3, 2023, the second milestone will contain:

Reward Number

Free Track

Premium Track


Greater Stone of Health

2x Astral Lockboxes


5x Scrolls of Life

Coalescent Mote


2x Enchanted Keys

5x Scrolls of Mass Life


Astral Lockbox

Northdark Choice Pack*

* Contains items from prior Battle Passes. If you have all of the items within the pack, you can opt for a Legendary Insignia Choice Pack instead.

Milestone 3, Harnessing the Decay

Available starting Feb. 2023, the final milestone grants:

Reward Number

Free Track

Premium Track


15x Mount & Companion Upgrade Tokens

4x Enchanted Keys


Astral Lockbox

10x Shards of Greater Empowerment


2x Enchanted Keys

15x Mount & Companion Upgrade Tokens


Coalescent Mote

Legendary Northdark Choice Pack*

* Contains your choice of:

  • Frost Salamander – Account (Legendary Mount)
  • Dragonbone Golem – Account (Legendary Mount)
  • Black Unicorn – Account (Legendary Mount)
  • Lich – Account (Legendary Companion)
  • Dragon Hunter – Account (Epic Companion)
  • Shadow Elemental – Account (Epic Companion)
  • Legendary Insignia Choice Pack

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