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Patch Notes: Version: NW.131.20210906a.10

Автор: Nitocris | Пн 27 сен 2021 20:56:47



With this patch, “Soon” has arrived, and Demogorgon is once again available in a new, more challenging state. Check out the Dev Blog: Demogorgon Rework for more details and rewards.



Release Notes


Content and Environment


  • Gathering Seeds! For Goodness!: This quest now spawns a portal next to the Tree of Elemental Balance instead of requiring the player to access the travel map.
  • The event calendar has been updated through the end of the year.



Enemies and Encounters


  • Cragmire Crypts: Traven Blackdagger can no longer aggro onto players outside his arena
  • Talgath the Undying
    • Adjusted the damage on Chains of Undeath to be percentage based, resulting in the damage increasing significantly.
  • Death Sphere
    • Reduced hp of zombies.
    • The Death Sphere will now properly damage and repel players that enter into its designated area.
  • Darkness Area
    • Significantly reduced the damage on Annihilation Spheres.
  • Orcus
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Orcus to have significantly less health than intended.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing the Death Sphere to be visually active at all times.
    • The death sphere will now properly damage and repel players that enter into its designated area.
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Death Sphere from displaying its damage area.
    • Players should now correctly respawn at the campfire outside the fight arena to Orcus in Castle Never.
    • Significantly increased the health of Zombies during the Death Sphere phase.
    • Adjusted the damage on Chains of Undeath to be percentage based, resulting in the damage increasing significantly.
    • Significantly reduced the damage on Annihilation Orbs summoned by Orcus.



Items and Economy

Bard Items

  • The Twisted Makhaira for Bards from the Replica Twisted Weapons pack is now known as the "Twisted Rapier".
  • The Twisted Rapier is now equippable by Bards.



Character Art


  • Rank 2 versions of Blessed Armors from Redeemed Citadel content now properly display on male characters.



Performance and Stability

Performance and Visual Quality

  • More improvements have been made to how objects are loaded in. There should be very few cases of objects appearing textureless even briefly, now.


  • A moderately frequent PC-only client crash has been addressed.

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