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Neverwinter: Sharandar Release Update

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Пн 08 фев 2021 15:00:00

Greetings Adventurers,

Delaying releases is not a decision we take lightly, but after thorough discussions we have decided to make the difficult but necessary decision to reschedule the launch of Neverwinter: Sharandar. This will impact PC’s original launch date - the new target launch date is Tuesday, February 16.

Throughout the last several weeks we have been committed to addressing feedback to the combat rework and we continue to remain focused on this topic. In addition, recent graphic changes to our game engine have impacted console performance for Neverwinter. We will be using this extra week to ensure stability across all our platforms, including the dungeon/trial crashes.

We truly appreciate your patience in this matter. We are eager to venture into new Sharandar and look forward to experiencing this new module alongside our players!

Thank you for all your support,

The Neverwinter Team

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