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Patch Notes: Version: NW.115.20191025a.11

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Пт 08 ноя 2019 09:19:59

Release Notes


Content and Environment

Tales of Old

  • The interaction points for different Tales dungeons have been moved farther apart, so it's less likely for parties to accidentally separate into multiple dungeons.
  • Lair of the Mad Dragon no longer gets into a state where it grants no rewards.


Enemies and Encounters


  • The Goristro is once again properly immune to crowd control.


User Interface


  • The current and max library size is now displayed in the Appearance window.


  • In the event creation page, the maximum level now properly caps at 80, up from 70.


nw-news, nw-launcher, nw-patch-notes,

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