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15% off Keys & 20% off Trade Bar Store!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 14 фев 2019 07:00:00

Looking to trade in some of your Tarmalune bars? This weekend presents an optimal opportunity with everything in the Trade Bar Store 20% off!

If you’re looking to obtain trade bars, mounts, companions, or more, Keys will be 15% off in the Zen Market!

Trade Bar Store and Key Sale begins Thursday, February 14 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance) on PC and 10am PT on Console

Trade Bar Store and Key Sale ends Tuesday, February 19 at 7:30am PT on PC and 10am on Console

If you’re aching for more mounts or companions, the Trade Bar Store has quite the selection including the Fire Archon, Heavy Twilight Nightmare and Phase Spider. The store is also the only place for the majority of fashions and dyes!

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