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Neverwinter: The Heart of Fire featuring Acquisitions Incorporated!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Вт 06 ноя 2018 09:28:53

Welcome to the Acquisitions Incorporated’s Headquarters in Neverwinter, now accepting internship applications on PC with the launch of The Heart of Fire! To get you started, we've put together this orientation training video!

Thanks to Lord Neverember’s search of business opportunities, heroes of Neverwinter can enjoy brand new adventures under the guidance of Omin Dran, Jim Darkmagic, and Walnut Dankgrass (voiced by Jerry Holkins, Mike Krahulik, and Trystan Falcone respectively). The new storyline, penned by Jerry and Mike, will take you on unimaginable experiences (seriously, don’t try to imagine them. It’s too much for the mind to behold) including a brand new Campaign and a Bank Heist Skirmish (Yes, you are protecting the bank this time. Really).

In addition to the... awesomeness... of Jim Darkmagic’s Wand of Wonder, players will also be able to experience a complete overhaul of the profession system, class balance updates, the K-Team Dungeon Challenges, and much more! For more detailed information on the Heart of Fire’s updates, check out the Developer Blog Hub!  

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