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Patch Notes: Version: NW.100.20180709g.21

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Ср 03 окт 2018 19:34:18

Release Notes

Content and Environment


  • Castle Ravenloft: For the achievement, Ghost Stories, all three ghosts now spawn per dungeon run, rather than just "randomly" choosing the same one each time.
  • Castle Ravenloft: The pillars in the center of the Sisters of Strahd boss fight have been removed. (The Sister of Fury had asked for a better line of spite.)
  • Stronghold Siege: The "Storming the Castle" weekly quest no longer incorrectly completes under certain circumstances.
  • Well of Dragons: Cult Prison: Enemy monsters should no longer occasionally become stuck in cages.


  • Double Seals: This event no longer refers to obsolete seals.



Items and Economy


  • Heels of Fury / Fured Kiuno's buff now properly has an icon.
  • The buff on Hag's Rags now stacks with Eyestalk Wrappers.

Zen Market

  • Hunter Expedition Pack: The tooltip text now says "Single purchase, some items tradable with player," because there were some items in the pack that had been bound to account. (This change will be localized to French, German, Italian, and Russian in a later version.)





  • When using the editor for the first time in a given session, text input now properly functions without having to alt-tab out and in of the game.


nw-news, nw-launcher, nw-patch-notes,

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