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Neverwinter Academy - 2018 Catalogue

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Сб 31 мар 2018 23:30:00

Greetings Adventurers!

We are thrilled to finally reveal the 2018 Neverwinter Academy Catalogue! From tots to trolls, Neverwinter Academy offers a variety of learning opportunities for all aspiring Far Realms professionals!


What makes a game icon memorable? The Neverwinter Memory Game utilizes one of the most iconic outputs of UI artists: game icons.


*Purchase this product by light of midnight and we’ll include a special icon to encourage fellow Developers to get UI art requests in on time!



You’ve weaved your story, you’ve thrown monstrous creatures at adventuring parties, but something seems to be missing in your tabletop sessions. This year we are proud to offer a specialized course in Dungeon Master Roll Commands and Reactions!



Do you have what it takes to herd a never-ending wave of cats? This course is the first step in becoming a Producer. Please note that the use of laser pointers is restricted to Advanced levels.




This course will unveil the mysteries behind RNG and how to make it work for you! Please note that you will be randomly assigned to any of the 20 RNG courses available. Found a partial reward code? Figure out the remaining one character in the code before anyone else to claim an in-game prize.




Creating luscious environments requires skill, practice, and patience. For the rest of us, there’s paint by numbers! Kit includes courses for Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Environment Art.



Weaving a story and loot tables are integral parts of game development. Hone those skills by becoming an Excel pro.

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