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20% off Companions!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 18 янв 2018 07:00:00

For the completionists or those looking to add new companions to help in your adventuring, this weekend all companions will be 20% off in the Zen Market!

20% off Companions Starts Thursday, January 18 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance)

20% off Companions Ends Monday, January 22 at 7:30am PT

Here are a few companions you can find in the Zen Market!

Chultan Companion – A skilled hunter ready to venture into the jungles of Chult.

Honey Badger - Angry and mostly obedient. 

Watler - For those that prefer the more bark than bite route, this gargoyle acts tough and throws out insults at every opportunity, but cowers at any chance of physical confrontation!


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