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2x Guild Marks & 20% off Strongholds!

Автор: Julia (nitocris83) | Чт 12 окт 2017 07:00:00

It's that time to speed up the growth of your stronghold! This weekend, we're hosting a 2x Guild Marks events and a 20% Stronghold category sale in order for you to make the most out of your time spent in your stronghold home.

The stronghold promotion starts Thursday, October 12 at 7:30am PT (or after maintenance)

The stronghold promotion ends Monday, October 16 at 7:30am PT

During 2x Guild Marks, you'll receive double the amount of marks you receive after donating to your guild coffer!

A popular item that will be on sale during the Stronghold category sale is the Stronghold Starter Pack, which contains many a helpful item to strengthen your stronghold.

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