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Patch Notes: NW.70.20161025a.9

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Ср 16 ноя 2016 18:46:16

Release Notes

Content and Environment

Storm King's Thunder

  • A potential cause of Heroic Encounters ceasing to spawn has been addressed.
  • Fish Fry: Fish caught outside fishing Heroic Encounters now properly count toward the weight goal.
  • Players no longer become stuck in combat with unseen enemies while on Barbarian Island.
  • Quests to slay Runechanged Trolls now grant credit when the trolls explode.
  • The camera no longer exhibits strange zooming behavior while fishing for several minutes at a time.



  • Smaller Heroic Encounters once again properly respawn.



Combat and Powers

Boons - Storm King's Thunder

  • The required stack count for Chill of Winter to proc has been reduced to 10, down from 50.
  • Players now properly retain Everfrost damage resistance from Boons while on a khyek.



  • Players who rebind their class mechanic (default: Tab) hotkey can now properly bait their hooks while fishing.





  • While playing in German, Maluk Whalewalker's voice-over now properly corresponds to the text.


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