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New Foundry Spotlight Trailer!

Автор: sominator | Вт 06 авг 2013 06:00:05


Have you seen the Neverwinter Foundry Spotlight?  It's a community-driven column that focuses on hand-picked, inventive player-created dungeons that allow for action-packed combat, fun roleplaying opportunities, or other unique experiences.  All of these quests are created through the Foundry, Neverwinter’s featured toolset that allows players to create dungeons, stories, and adventures for everyone to play and experience.


We're excited to share with you the very first Foundry Spotlight trailer, from the quest "A Clash of Wills" by Foundry author scosglen:



Let us know what you think on the Neverwinter Foundry forums!


Click here to register for Neverwinter, the free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG. The best part about Neverwinter: it's free to play! Become a Knight of the Feywild or Hero of the North today with a Feywild Pack or Neverwinter Pack purchase!


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