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Have a Nice Death

Early Access Hotfix - 2022/03/15

Автор: SoFech | Вт 15 мар 2022 10:30:00

Hello new recruits,

Thanks tremendously for your feedback and support regarding Have a Nice Death Early Access release!

This patch makes several fixes based on initial reporting issues following the beginning of the early access this week. 

  • Disable insight during dialog 
  • [Fixed] Player blocked after kill the W1 mini boss (Will Hung) 
  • [Fixed] weapon stats display 
  • [Fixed] player blocked into the ground after a dash 
  • [Fixed] Players could  fall indefinitely before being fully loaded. Levels took too much time to load.
  • [Fixed] Issues with Maxxx’s [spoiler]powerful wind[/spoiler] attack


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Студия разработчиков Magic Design и издательство Gearbox Publishing представили релизный трейлер своей стильной метроидвании Have a Nice Death.

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