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The Lock Box of Shadowy Flight!

By Ambassador Kael | Thu 14 Sep 2023 08:00:00 AM PDT

Take to the skies on wings of Shadow, Adventurers. The second Lock Box of the Demon Web Pits is now live! The Lockbox of Shadowy Flight will require an Enchanted Key to open and will use the updated reward structure introduced with the Dragon Cult Lockbox.

One of the prizes within the lockbox is the Shadowy Flight Choice Pack, which grants your choice of the account reclaimable mythic Uni the Crystal of Soul’s Flight artifact and the account reclaimable mythic mount, Demon Wings.

Inspired by the leathery wings of demons like the Balor and the Succubus, a coalition of wizards and warlocks have imbued an icon of Demon Wings with the ability to grant wicked wings to its wielder. These wings cause you to rapidly rush at an enemy, dodging attacks and leaving a trail of shadow bursts.

The Crystal of Soul’s Flight channels power to your very spirit, giving a brief sensation of flight as your senses expand. Weaknesses will be revealed to you and your party, allowing attacks to deal increased damage for a short time.

The Lockbox of Shadowy Flight also includes a chance at rewards such as mythic bags, upgrade tokens, legendary account mounts, and more!



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