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Patch Notes for 4/30/24

Par Ambassador Kael | mar. 30 avril 2024 13:43:54 PDT

Patch Notes: NW.315.20240318a.13 

Release Notes 


Content and Environment 

Adventures in Wildspace 

  • The issue with players loading into Vocath's Base and not seeing the cutscene has been fixed. 

Defense of the Moondancer 

  • Players will no longer be able to jump off the back of the Moondancer's observation deck. 


  • Feast of Lanterns: The Jade Dragonnel mount now uses the correct model (no more mysterious floating placeholder text) 

Northdark Reaches 

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Corrupted Myconids from spawning correctly. 


Combat and Powers 


  • Vistani Wanderer: Rebalanced to be a single target DPS companion 

  • Captain Elaina Sartell: The tooltips of Cutlass Combo and Readiness Aura have been updated to specify that they buff party members, instead of incorrectly stating that they affect allies. 


  • The Divine Aegis enchantment will now properly trigger its shield effect for the following Bard songs: Defender's Minuet, Rejuvenating Carol, and Aurora Finale. 


  • Improved the Defense bonus on the special power provided by Cosmic Corsair's Helm to a max of 3350. 

  • The Setbonuses provided by the Beacon of the Astral Sea and Xeleth's Blast Scepter may now be improved by refining their respective neck and waist pieces to higher qualities. 


Items and Economy 

Astral Lockbox 

  • Mount and Companion rewards have been updated. 

  • Odds for obtaining the 'grand prize' tier of rewards has been slightly increased. 

  • Odds for obtaining 'not grand prize' mounts and companions has been substantially increased. 


  • Several item variants that previously didn't grant Collection entries now do: 

  • Battle Pass companion: Captain Elaina Sartell - RCA-claimed pack and selectable mount now properly grant the collection entry. 

  • Doomspace Lockbox mount: Zodar Armor - RCA-claimed pack and selectable mount now properly grant the collection entry. 

  • Doomspace Lockbox artifact: Beacon of Meteor Swarm - Mythic quality now properly grants Collection entries for all qualities below. 

  • Please equip/unequip, or move these items in your inventory to update the respective collection. 

  • Rings from The Imperial Citadel (Advanced) and The Imperial Citadel (Master) have been separated into their own groups. This may cause the achievements to re-trigger if you own one of these rings, but the point values have not been changed. 


  • Named enemies on Adventures in Wildspace maps were mistakenly dropping the deprecated Bounty Chits currency. They now properly drop Pieces of Nine. 

  • The Imperial Citadel (Advanced) final boss no longer drops Emperor's Crest, which is a Master-only currency. 


  • The Space Admiral fashion set is now using the correct costumes. 

Zen Market  

  • Future runs of the "VIP Special Discount" event that affect items in the Professions category will now have a 40% discount, increased from 25%.  

  • In addition, this discount will now also affect the purchases: Master's Trowel, Chultan Masterwork I Choice Pack, and Chultan Masterwork II Choice Pack. 

  • Future limited-time purchases of Epic and Mythic enchantments have had their base prices reduced by 20%. This includes previously-run packs: 

  • Rank 3 Enchantment Choice Pack (1600 Zen, down from 2000 Zen). 

  • Rank 5 Enchantment Choice Pack (4000 Zen, down from 5000 Zen). 

  • Please note: This does not necessarily mean that we currently have plans to run these limited-time sales. 


User Interface 


  • Class resource bar no longer disappears when opening another menu or window such as Inventory.  

  • Rogue’s Stealth mechanic now follows the new class powers opacity controls.  

  • Insignia slot interactions on consoles, specifically problems with the universal slots, have been fixed. 

  • The Quality dropdown menu in the Auction House no longer displays an untranslated string.  

  • Calendar has been updated through June 20th. 

  • When upgrading a Companion or Mount, the upgrade screen will now display which associated powers will also be upgraded. 



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