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Now Live Rhix's Bargains: Sergeant Knox

Par DwightMC | jeu. 11 sept. 2014 10:13:00 PDT

For some time now, Sergeant Knox has been responsible for guiding adventurers through their journeys in Neverwinter. Now, the grizzled veteran has decided to join a select few in their travels. Rhix, a notorious wheeler-dealer has acquired the right to have Sergeant Knox personally aid five adventurers in their battles throughout the Sword Coast. What’s more is that he will be selling these opportunities on the Auction House!

Rhix's Bargains start: Thursday September 11, 2014 at 10 AM PDT (Pacific)

Rhix's Bargains end:  Sunday September 14, 2014 at 10 AM PDT (Pacific)

During this special event, players will be able to bid for the Sergeant Knox companions on the Auction House. Bidding will start at 10AM and will run for three days. There will be a total of Five Sergeant Knox Rank 1 companions, and as a purple quality companion, will have a max level of 30. However, Sergeant Knox will have only one skin to choose from, no matter what level he reaches. All companions will be Bind on Equip once you recieve the companion.

This is a unique opportunity to have one of the most sought-after companions in Neverwinter. You won’t find this companion anywhere else!

Are you excited for the chance to have Sergeant Knox join you? Let us know on Facebook and Twitter using #NWRhix.

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