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New Items in the Zen Market!

Par Percemer | mar. 11 janv. 2022 10:28:35 PST

New items are available in the Zen Market to help you make your way through the new Dragonbone Vale module!

Draconic Key Bundle – this keyring contains 20 Enchanted Keys and a Draconic Helmet Choice Pack to help on your journey!

Pack of the Undying – this pack contains the following items

  • Repurposed Phylactery Artifact Pack
  • “Undying” title
  • Undying Crown transmute
  • 100 Northern War Commendations
  • 150 Vale Supply Vouchers
  • 200 Tarmalune Trade Bars

Shadar-Kai Witch Companion – What she lacks in emotion, she brings with her in dedication.

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