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Patch Notes: Version: NW.131.20210712b.11

Par Julia (nitocris83) | mer. 28 juil. 2021 22:33:32 PDT


Known Issues

Bards still can’t open the Graycloak gear pack. We’re looking into getting them a proper weapon.


Release Notes


Content and Environment

Tutorial Quests

  • The Glass Enchantment used in the mission How Enchanting is no longer discardable.
  • The Wooden Insignia used in the mission Artifacts and Insignias is no longer discardable.



Combat and Powers

Item Powers

  • Various damage issues with the Ring of Air have been addressed. (This change went live Tuesday, July 17th, but missed the patch notes.)



Items and Economy


  • Cosmos Stag: The bound version of this mount now properly has an icon.
  • Neverember’s Recruitment: Neverember’s Incentives are now properly awarded at the appropriate times. (This was hotfixed Wednesday afternoon, Pacific time.)

Reward Claims Agent

  • The Companions of the Hall can once again properly be reclaimed via the Reward Claims Agent.
  • The Rousing Romantic appearance set is now available in the Zen Market.

Zen Market

  • 30k Character Boost now consistently opens.
  • Inscribed Garment Pack now properly opens for Bard characters.
  • The Bard’s Entourage Pack no longer repeats the word “pack” in its description description.
  • The Transient Troubador and Desert Dancer appearance sets are now available in the Appearances category of the Zen Market.



User Interface


  • The character status element in the HUD no longer mentions a “Double Progress event” in its tooltip; there totally isn’t an event like that coming sometime, nuh-uh. (Seriously though, it’s not ready yet.)



Character Art


  • The wings on the Pegasus are no longer quite as visually blown-out or glowy.



Performance and Stability


  • We’ve applied a prospective fix to a map crash that caused occasional disconnects.

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Notes de version : NW.315.20240520a.2
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