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Patch Notes: Version: NW.123.20210105a.15

Par Julia (nitocris83) | lun. 08 févr. 2021 19:10:05 PST


Module 20: Sharandar has been delayed to February 16th. This patch is mainly to support the Feast of Lanterns, beginning February 11th.


Release Notes

Content and Environment

Feast of Lanterns (starting February 11th)

  • Various changes have been made behind the scenes to update the rewards and art for the new year. For example, last year’s Rat Pup companion has been moved to the Zen Market, while a New Year’s Ox mount and Ox Stot companion are now available at the event vendor.



Enemies and Encounters


  • Some cases have been addressed where enemies newly started tracking their target with their line attacks. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been completely fixed across the board; Trobriand is fixed, but Lostmauth is not, for example.



Items and Economy

Events and Sales

  • 2x Sharandar Currency has been extended to end February 16 (previously Feb. 9).
  • 50% off Sharandar Campaign Buyout has been extended to end February 16 (previously Feb. 9).


  • Forsaken Lockbox has been extended to be available until February 16 (previously Feb. 9).





  • An issue has been addressed which had caused some older characters, logging in for the first time in over a year, to be in a strange, potentially unplayable state.

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Notes de version : NW.315.20240520a.2
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Profitez de votre statut VIP avec une promotion spéciale réservée aux membres de rang 3 et plus !
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