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Developer Blog: Rewards Memo

Par Julia (nitocris83) | lun. 22 oct. 2018 07:00:00 PDT

Subject: THE HEART OF FIRE! Fire! Fire!

From: Acquisitions Incorporated

To: The Interns


Attention Interns!

Listen up ‘cause this is important. We got our next gig in line, and we have our sights set high. So, are you ready to know what it is? Come on, get psyched for this! Oh come on, even as I write this I can tell you aren’t psyched enough. GET READY!!! ARE YOU READY?! We are going after THE HEART OF FIRE! Fire! Fire!

That’s right! I said it! We are going after THE HEART OF FIRE! Fire! Fire!

Why yes, it is so amazing that its name echoes even in written form.


Doesn’t it have a nice ring to it? But it’s not ring. No no no. It’s a gem. A big gem! I mean, it’s supposed to be big, enormous; one of the biggest gems in the Sword Coast. And we are totally going to believe the rumors on this. Cause who would lie about THE HEART OF FIRE! Fire! Fire!?

Anyways, we want it, and you want to get it for us!


But first we have to find it. Don’t worry, we will be leaving that task up to you as well. But seriously don’t worry, you will be handsomely rewarded! With discounts at our merchandise table! That’s right! Here in Neverwinter we have set up one of our trademark Acquisitions Incorporated merchandise tables. Here you will find items that you will need to survive your employment here at Acquisitions Incorporated. Things like the Flask of Brewing!


Here at Acquisitions Incorporated, we only use the Flask for coffee…Or that’s what we tell the authorities anyways. But no matter what you brew in your Flask, there’s other items to consider, things like our employee Badge of Identification and a Harness of Safety.


I mean, we could just give these to interns, but we don’t want to. We want our interns to strive for what’s important. And as they say, Safety First!

Now, let’s see what else we have for the merch table. Trash bags? I mean, Trash Bags! We have plenty of trash bags for sale! Oh, they aren’t empty… Hmm, it looks like Jim told an intern to spring clean, they are all full of Jim’s magical rejects. I mean, they are full of magical wonder! We have bags full of totally not broken wands! Bags full of completely functional magical gems! Even swag bags from our last Job Faire full of Jim’s odds and ends!


Oh, looks like Jim accidently misplaced his WAND OF WONDERS! Wonders! Wonders! Well, I’m sure Jim won’t miss it. For a limited time only, you can buy this most exquisite item at the Acquisitions Incorporated merch table, THE WAND OF WONDERS! Wonders! Wonders!


And we have so much more junk to get rid of! Even Omin’s got an old set of armor in the basement that he wants to get rid of. But they aren’t for sale. That’d be too easy. You should ask him about it. But not now. No no no. You should only ask him about it after you have acquired THE HEART OF FIRE! Fire! Fire!


So Interns! Now that you know what rewards await you, it’s time to start your internship here at Acquisitions Incorporated!

Chantelle Tatum
Systems Designer

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