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Patch Notes: Version: NW.100.20180709g.14

Par Julia (nitocris83) | jeu. 06 sept. 2018 07:39:59 PDT

Release Notes


Enemies and Encounters

Castle Ravenloft

  • Strahd is powerful and all, but his mere presence is not enough to keep adventurers at the brink of death. Player characters reduced to 0 HP in his boss fight will once again properly go into a Near Death state… unless he uses his ultimate ability, in which case, good luck.


  • Yuan-ti can no longer cast Charm and Fear effectively enough to last long past their deaths. Player characters should no longer have a chance to become stuck and unable to move after fighting them.



Items and Economy

Reward Claims Agent

  • The Mystagogue companion has found their way back to the Reward Claims Agent on Neverwinter's international server. The companion is still only visible to those who already had access to them.

Zen Market

  • Campaign Buyout Bundle: To comply with guidelines menacingly provided by the Branding Department of Thay, the "Dreadring Campaign Completion" token is now properly known as the "Dread Ring Campaign Completion" token.
  • Companion descriptions now properly state the correct, current type of Bonding Runestone that comes with them.



Art, Animation, and Effects

Visual Effects

  • The Scourge Warlock reactive power, Shadow Slip, no longer puts the "rave" in Ravenloft when too many visual effects are on the screen. The camera change now remains consistent while the power is maintained.





  • Localization has been updated for the French, German, Italian, and Russian locales.

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Notes de version : NW.315.20240520a.2
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