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20% off Trade Bar Store & 15% off Blood Rubies and Keys!

By Julia (nitocris83) | Tue 01 May 2018 07:00:00 AM PDT

In addition to double Refining Stones, we have some great sales starting today! For the next week, everything in the Trade Bar Store is 20% off and Blood Rubies and Keys are 15% off!

Discounts begin Tuesday, May 1 at 10am PT

Discounts end Monday, May 7 at 10am PT

If you’re aching for more mounts or companions, the Trade Bar Store has quite the selection including the Fire Archon, Heavy Twilight Nightmare and Phase Spider. The store is also the only place for the majority of fashions and dyes!

Keys are your ticket to some of the best gear, mounts and companions available in Neverwinter. Enchanted Keys will open the Soulmonger’s Lockbox which includes a chance at the War Triceratops!

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