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Star Trek Online

Qulash and the Kidd, Live at Mudd's Market!

By Ambassador Kael | Thu 07 Oct 2021 09:00:00 AM PDT

Friends! Welcome, once again, to a major event at the ever changing secret location of Mudd's Market! I, Harcourt Fenton -bzzt- Mudd, am pleased to exclusively debut two brand new items for you on this fine, fine night! The first was a surprise to even me. When I -bzzt- traveled to this time period, I was shocked to discover I had brought with me an entire crate of perfectly servicable Kidd drones. But of course, these magificent robots could not be sold at "perfectly servicable." No sir, my team of highly trained and well paid engineers worked night and day to update them to modern technical specifications, to serve whatever need you have, in whatever quadrant. But the pièce de résistance awaits you in that hangar over there. You remember that bad business a little while ago, where all of those portals were opening to the Mycelial Realm and the Elachi were pouring out? Well, I aquired, at great personal expense, a limited supply of the Elachi's own Qulash Frigates. And, my good, dear friends, this powerful vessel could be yours for a low, low price! Please, form an orderly line and all of me will be happy to take your order. Ma'am? Ma'am! No pushing!


Two new items, the Kidd Drone and the Elachi Qulash Frigate, are entering Mudd's Market on October 7th, on Xbox and Playstation, and very, very, very soon on PC! You can find them in the Mudd's Market tab of the Zen Store, for 8,000 and 17,000 Zen, respectively. But that's not all, as the entire store, excepting the bundles, will be on sale for 75% off from October 7th at 8am PT (17:00 CEST) to October 11th at 10am PT (19:00 CEST), on Xbox and Playstation. We'll have updated dates for the sale on PC as soon as the items go live there. Enjoy, Captains!

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