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D&D Neverwinter Design Contest

By Andy (StrumSlinger) | Tue 05 May 2015 01:00:26 PM PDT

Our friends over at WeLoveFine are holding a t-shirt design contest for Neverwinter! Head to the main contest page here!

About The Contest

Reach into your Bag of Holding and grab whatever artist tools you have stashed away in your Adventurer's Kit, it's time for the Neverwinter Design Contest. Whether you're a Tiefling Warlock or a Half-Elf Assassin, your design could shadow step the competition to be memorialized and rewarded a grand prize of $500.00 (USD not Gold).

Submissions accepted until 11:59pm PDT on 6/16/2015


Jack Emmert: Jack co-founded Cryptic Studios in 2000 and now serves as the CEO where he sets the company’s strategic vision while managing multiple teams that strive to develop memorable online games. During his tenure at Cryptic Studios, Jack has helped develop multiple MMOs including Neverwinter, Star Trek Online, Champions Online and more. In the past 15 years at Cryptic, Jack has held several different positions from game designer to Chief Executive Officer allowing him to establish a solid foundation for the studio. Prior to Cryptic, Jack was working on his PhD in Greek & Latin, with a focus in ancient religion.

Mike Apolis: Mike’s passion for games started at a young age with a drive to create immersive stories in Dungeons & Dragons as well as PC adventure games.  Years of modding and tinkering with computer games led Mike to pursue an education in game development, after which he joined the Cryptic Studios team in 2005 and worked on many of their titles including City of Heroes, Champions Online, Star Trek Online and Neverwinter. Today Mike is a senior artist on Neverwinter, going back to his D&D roots, creating immersive stories, environments and art for D&D fans new and old.


How To Enter

DOs & DON'Ts

1. Do: Make something original. Research to make sure your idea isn't already out there.

2. Do: Make stylized art! Get inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter!

4. Do: Have fun and be creative!

5. Don't: Submit similar versions of the same design. Sometimes people submit the same design, but with small changes. This will only divide your votes and hurt your chances of winning rather than help it.

6. Don't: Use any copyrighted, 3rd party or inappropriate materials.  This contest is to submit art designs to be officially licensed.  If it is too obscene or mixes 3rd party, or copyrighted materials, it will NOT be approved.

7. Don't: Use any original artwork from Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter as a part of your design



FAQ - To see our full set of Contest FAQ, please click here.

Q: The submission kit is not downloading.  I need help!
A: Please email  We should be able to send you one directly.  Or try clicking here to see if it will directly download for you.

Q: What are the three "Additional Design Images" for?
A: One upload should be JUST the design itself so we can see it clearly. The other images, if you choose to upload them, can be other images of your design. Please remember that each design should be its OWN submission so don't use them to upload multiple designs.

Q: I'm having trouble uploading my images for my submission. What's going on?
A: Please make sure that each image is exactly 1000x1000px JPG, GIF or PNG and each image MUST be under 2MB.

Q: How many designs can I submit?
A: For most contests you can submit up to 10 designs unless otherwise stated.

Q: What file format do you accept?
A: All entries must be in one of the following file formats: GIF/PNG/JPG

Q: If I am a finalist, how large does my high-res art need to be?
A: We recommend that your file is done 15in by 19in at 300 dpi or as close to it as your art program can handle.  If your artwork is too small, it won't work on a tee-shirt and it can hurt your chances of winning.

Q: Is it ok for me to promote my designs to people I know to come and help rate my designs?
A: YES!! We encourage every artist submitting to the contest to promote themselves and their designs to friends, family and followers.  Through our experience we have found that more ratings help us determine what the fans really want as winners!  So please feel free to promote yourselves!

Q: It’s been more than 2 business days and I don't see my design on the site.  What’s going on with my design?
A: We review every submission we get before they are made live for viewing and rating.  We will make every attempt to review submissions within 2 business days.  Please know, if you’ve done any of the following we will not accept the design into the contest and you may not be notified.

- Your design has inappropriate materials or elements.
- Your design uses other copy righted material.  This means you are using other people’s intellectual property in your design you do not have the right to. No mash ups!
-You've used a design created by someone else as your own.
- It’s not a design. A direct photograph or a scribble you just drew on a piece of paper is not considered a shirt design.

Q: I see people cheating.  What should I do?
A: Please email detailing what you are suspecting.  More details you can give the better we can make our decision.


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