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Neverwinter Epic Dungeon Guide: Cragmire Crypts

By Akromatik | Fri 10 Apr 2015 10:00:00 AM PDT

Neverwinter: Elemental Evil will raise the maximum level attainable by players to 70. With this new level cap will come reworked versions of Cragmire Crypts, Grey Wolf Den, and Temple of the Spider that will pose a much bigger threat to adventuring parties. With this in mind, we wanted to clue our community into how best to defeat the horrors that lurk within these dungeons.

Cragmire Crypts

The enemies in Cragmire Crypts have all been given a substantial increase to their health and damage, making all enemies down to the last Spiderling much more deadly. As with all zombies, the ones in Cragmire Crypts come in packs, so you’ll need to call upon your add management skills a lot while delving through its dark, dank halls.

Beware the Battle Wights and the Battle Wight Commanders, as their life-draining abilities will ensure their continued existence as well as your swift demise. Adventurers would do well to be wary when engaging one of the three types of giant arachnid that live in the dungeon, as their young will often appear to avenge their parent’s demise.

The boss battles in Cragmire Crypts present a rather daunting task: avoid the bosses’ attacks while fending off hordes of gnolls, zombies, and pirates. You’ll first encounter the Red Wizard Kallos Tam, whose minions are rather few in number and his attacks can be dodged by simply moving out of the way. The room in which he resides is also large enough to him to be kited away from his minions. Use your controllers to keep the minions occupied while your tanks and damage dealers go after Kallos.

After defeating the Red Wizard, you’ll encounter a competing Adventure Party. Comprised of 5 members, these are no ordinary adventurers and we recommend focusing your attacks on a single target and taking them out one by one. Aluella Shieldhart and Margold Tarmikos should be your first targets, as their attacks hit hard and have controlling effects.

Finally, you’ll come to the domain of Traven Blackdagger. This hulking undead pirate will provide the greatest challenge yet. With his near lethal dash attacks, oceans of minions, and the small size of the battle area, your healers will have their work cut out for them. Use your tanks to keep Traven busy, while your controllers take care of his minions. Dedicate a damage-dealer to stay on Traven, but also have one available to assist the controller in managing the large number of minions. Execute this and victory will be yours.

Ready to take on this new and improved dungeon? Let us know on the official Neverwinter forums!

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