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Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online: Release Notes: September 10, 2015

Von Alex | Mi 09 Sep 2015 19:10:28 PDT


  • The new Featured Episode “Midnight” has been added to the Featured Episode tab in the journal.
    • This episode can be played by captains who are level 10 or higher.
  • Resolved an issue which would occasionally cause a crash to occur when transferring maps.
  • Resolved an issue when after viewing a Bridge Officer’s status page, that Officer's slotted powers would reset after transferring maps.
  • Added some information for when a player does a respec on their captain that some skills and traits may be unslotted during retraining and may need to be re-slotted.
  • Resolved an issue which was sometimes causing a planet’s lighting to flicker and display solid colors in space.
  • Resolved an issue which would sometimes display materials as grey when placed in fog.
  • Resolved an issue where interactable objects were still glowing after being interacted with.
  • Moved the Research and Development Weekend event to start on September 17.



  • Replaced the faction "Cave" with "Generic".
  • Added a new template map, Dyson Sphere Interior 01.
    • This is Dyson Joint Command, as it would have looked before the Alliance found it. 


Known Issues:

  • Players cannot access the Special Ship Reclaim store without having completed the initial mission for either the Winter or Summer events.
  • Pressing the Tell button on the social menu is not working.
  • The R&D Daily mission for Cannons incorrectly rewards Argonite Gas.
  • Some players are not able to reclaim the Breen Chel Grett and the Dyson Science Destroyer.

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