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Star Trek Online

PC Patch Notes for 4/28/22

Von Ambassador Kael | Mi 27 Apr 2022 18:18:57 PDT


  • Resolved an issue that could prevent Discovery captains from being able to start the Kobali Front. 
  • Resolved an issue that was causing the Fleet Project "Weekly Project: Mark Boost" (all ranks) to not work with several types of Reputation Marks. 
  • Resolved an issue that was causing Disruptor and Plasma Quad Cannons to deal Phaser damage while under the effects of Surgical Strikes. 
  • All items obtained in Lvl 65 Captain Boost packs can now be recycled in the replicator. 
  • The 3-pc set bonus in the 8472 Counter-Command space set now passively destroys Undine fluidic space bubbles nearby, instead of only on use of activated power. 
  • Resolved an issue during the “Counterpoint” Task Force Operation where hailing a contact could force a Captain out of cloak.  
  • The wingtip canons of the Kor Bird of Prey will now be appropriately symmetrical if you swap to them in the advanced ship customization UI. 

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