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Star Trek Online

Console Patch Notes for 4/16/19

Von Ambassador Kael | Mo 15 Apr 2019 17:03:17 PDT


  • Pahvo Dissension Featured Task Force Operation
    • Pahvo Dissension is an all new Featured Task Force Operation, where five Alliance captains will deal with the aftermath of the recent events at Pahvo.
    • Help the planet purify the crystals that have been corrupted by Terran agonizers.
    • This event will last for 3 weeks and Captains can earn an all new reward!
    • Complete the TFO on 14 different days to earn the Crystal Prism Universal Kit Module in addition to marks, dilithium, and three Featured TFO Reward Boxes.
    • This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box.
  • Crystal Prism Universal Kit Module

Mirror Crossfield Science Destroyer Research and Development Pack:

  • From April 18th to May 9th, we are running a promotion that will provide an additional bonus when opening a Research and Development Pack.
    • Each pack opened will grant you either 10 Lobi or the Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack.
    • Newly included in the Special Requisition Choice Pack is The Mirror Crossfield Science Destroyer [T6]!
  • For more information, please visit our Mirror Crossfield Science Destroyer R&D Promo! blog at:



  • Resolved an issue that was preventing ships from unlocking when purchased from the PlayStation Store.
    • Players who experienced this issue will be able to claim promotional versions of these products in the Promotions tab of the Zen Store.
  • Added Lethean Head preset choices to Character Creator.
  • Nausicaans now have a full set of head presets to choose from.


  • The Walker Class' left nacelle now properly shows the ship's name.
  • You can now properly select between windows types for the Faeht Intel Warbird.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing the Aft torpedos to not fire correctly on the Europa Heavy Battlecruiser.


  • Resolved a typo in Career descriptions during character creation.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing enemy target names to not display when viewed from a certain distance.


  • Updates to 2049 Starfleet tutorial on Vega ground:
    • Now added glowing arrows to the crate you must interact with to get your starter armor, and to the console you must click on to proceed afterward.
    • Resolved an issue that could cause the armor crate to have two buttons if you got your armor, then discarded it and went back to the crate for more.
    • Armor crate now says "Retrieve Armor" instead of "Retrieve Supplies."
  • Removed a duplicate "Press" in the instructions to "Press to equip your rifle" step of the tutorial.


  • Resolved an issue that could cause performance issues when opening Personal Endeavor rewards.
  • Reduced the shared cooldown on all Combat Space Pets and Distress Call devices from 5 min to 2 min.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Omega Force Autocarbines from re-engineering their RT3 modifiers.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the new items to be missing from the Winter Event Stores.
  • Hive Onslaught:
    • Adjusted the spawn points of the initial Borg groupings to given them enough space at the start.
    • Resolved an issue that would cause the cutscene for moving into phase 2 to trigger twice.
    • Added a minicontact that warns players when the Borg Queen initially activates feedback pulse.
    • Adjusted the feedback pulse used by the Borg Queen so that you have a brief warning period where it can be removed or you can stop shooting before it begins reflecting damage.
  • Resolved an issue that caused cloaks to display incorrect Ambush damage bonuses in some cases.
    • Resolved an issue that caused cloaks to not have increased Ambush damage bonuses on ships with Raider Flanking.
    • Updated the description of the Subterfuge and Infiltrator traits.
    • Cloaking devices now indicate the duration their Ambush bonus will last in their tooltips.
  • Kemocite-Laced Weaponry has been rebuilt to resolve various issues:
    • Resolved an issue that caused the tooltip to scale exponentially with damage buffs.
    • Resolved an issue that caused the damage to scale with your target's damage buffs.
    • Resolved an issue that could cause it to apply beneficial abilities such as the Advanced Piezo-Polaron proc to foes.
    • Ths impact of these changes on this ability's balance may result in additional changes to this ability in future updates.
  • Overload Power Cells Updates:
    • Bridge Officers will no longer activate this ability while below 50% health.
    • If used by a bridge officer, this effect will now end when the officer reaches 25% health.
  • Buffing Universal Kit Module - Agony Field Generator.
    • In addition to its previous effects, it now applies a large penalty to Phaser Damage Resistance Rating to enemies contacting the field, stacking up to an appropriately Imperial amount.
  • Removed equip restrictions on the following universal consoles, to be usable on all starships:
    • Ablative Hazard Shielding (Fed and Kdf versions).
    • Dynamic Defense Deployment System.
    • Variable Auto-Targeting Armament.
  • Reduced equip restrictions on the following universal consoles, to be usable on All Warbirds:
    • Ablative Hazard Shielding (Rom version).
    • Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator.
    • Ionized Particle Beam
  • Resolved an issue that could cause Omega Crafting missions to appear to have a 0% success chance in some cases
  • Resolved an issue that was causing player damage buffs to increase the damage dealt by boarding party turret attacks.
  • Resolved an issue that allowed the Technical Mishap kit module to be activated while dead.
  • Resolved an issue that allowed the Cloaked Mine Barrier kit module to be activated while dead.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Photonic Overcharge from working with some ground weapons.
  • Increased the Hull Regeneration granted by the Living Hull personal trait.
  • Resolved an issue that would cause an activation of Cryotronic Modulation to do nothing if you were already affected by the power.
  • Resolved an issue that could prevent the Micro Cryonic Warhead kit module from being treated as a Kit Module ability.
  • Resolved an issue that caused Modular Momentum to fail to apply in some cases.
  • Added auto-queue conditions to Photonic Officer.
  • The Nukara Crystalline Resilient Shields' Crystalline Refraction Buff can now reflect Proton Damage.
  • Updated the icon used by the Press the Advantage Starship Trait.
  • Corrected the icon used by the Energy Distributor Accelerator active ability.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the displayed regeneration on the Medical Nanites trait to be inaccurate.
    • This is a tooltip change only.
  • Resolved numerous text errors on Geologist Duty Officer active roster abilities that reduce cooldowns on Exothermic Induction Field and Hyperonic Radiation.
  • Updated the description of the Fleet Coordinator personal trait.
  • Resolved a typo in Coordination Protocols, Defensive Protocols, and Offensive Protocols (Player Skills)


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