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D&D Tabletop Streams: Tuesdays at 3pm PT

Von Andy (StrumSlinger) | Mo 12 Okt 2015 10:00:00 PDT

Update 11/30: We're doing our final tabletop stream of the year tomorrow on 12/1! Don't miss your chance at Zen!

Well met, Adventurers!

In conjunction with Wizards of the Coast, we plan to start streaming tabletop Dungeons & Dragons every Tuesday, starting on October 20! As part of the Rage of Demons storyline, Neverwinter: Underdark will see players fending off the invasion of demons, battling Demogorgon and experiencing a questline that R.A. Salvatore wrote himself. We see it only fitting to tie together the different threads of Rage of Demons into one consistent universe.

We’ll be streaming Out of the Abyss from start to finish, a tabletop adventure that correlates with Neverwinter: Underdark. In addition, Wizards of the Coast will also be hosting their own streams of Out of the Abyss, which will take place in the same universe. In other words, what we do in our streams might directly affect what happens in their streams!

Whether or not you play tabletop, hunker down and watch our “episodes” for entertainment, laughs, suspense and to see us fumble our way through the caverns of the Underdark. You'll even have a chance to join the fun and decide on how the campaign progresses! Do the players encounter a kind old librarian or a pack of vicious orcs? During the livestream, you'll have a chance to determine what unfolds in the land of the Underdark!

Afterwards, Adventurers will be able to choose who they thought did the best and who did the worst! After every stream, you'll be able to vote using the hashtags below to buff the best player and curse the worst one! Care to meddle in our affairs? Let's give some extra gold and experience to the champion of the livestream and give the worst player points of madness! After our stream, use the respective hashtag for the player you want to win on Twitter and on the forums!

Also, every time we roll a natural 20 or a 1 - that is a 20 on a d20 - we'll give away Zen and add 100 to the Zen pool, which starts at 500 Zen. So if we roll 10 20s or 1s, 10 people will get 1400 Zen!

Below are the foolish brave players up for your judgment:


Our Dungeon Master for this adventure will be:

Morrigan “LaughingTrendy”
Community Manager

Join us every Tuesday at 3pm PT (Pacific) on our official Perfect World Twitch Channel!

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