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Xbox One Class Spotlight: Great Weapon Fighter

Von Andy (StrumSlinger) | Mo 23 Mär 2015 15:00:00 PDT

Role: DPS and Crowd Control

Don’t call Great Weapon Fighters straightforward, or they’ll come straight for you with their massive swords in tow. It’s easy to generalize a GWF as a pure front-of-the-line damage dealer, but their role in the party requires a keen eye and bravery fit for a hero.

With their hefty swings and tough armor, a GWF excels in plowing through hordes of enemies all at once. Their ability to keep off pesky minions in a boss fight that might otherwise flock to the Devoted Cleric’s threat level might make the difference in felling the hulking monstrosity at the end of a Dungeon. And if the Cleric’s paparazzi have been vanquished, the GWF also carries an impressive arsenal of single target Powers sure to scar the enemy.

Class Mechanic: Unstoppable

For a class that spends so much time being horded by enemies, there must be a Hail Mary built in somewhere to break free. The GWF’s Class Mechanic Unstoppable immediately negates any current control effect, making you immune to any further ones while Unstoppable remains active. You also attack much faster though slightly weaker, gain 10-20% of your max HP and resist 15-30% of incoming damage.

You can only activate Unstoppable once you have 50% of your Determination gauge, which can be built by taking damage or killing enemies – things a GWF should be more than comfortable with.

In Battle:

As a GWF, many of your Powers deal damage to multiple targets while closing in on the distance between you and your soon-to-be trophies. Not so Fast is your quickest attack that damages all foes nearby and slows them, ensuring they don’t leave your presence. Mighty Leap has you jumping directly into the action at a target location, damaging anyone around you when you land. Come and Get It drags your enemies closer to you in a vacuum while giving a damage buff to your next attack.

The GWF is for those who enjoy dominoes or watching their enemies fall one by one until they’re no longer standing.

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Neverwinter for Xbox One will be available on March 31st. Check out the official page here.

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