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Star Trek Online

Path to F2P Dev Blog #17

Von admin | Do 03 Nov 2011 20:11:51 PDT

Tribble Transfers and Awards

Before I get to the main blog entry for today, we want you all to know that we have increased the character transfer limit to Tribble from 1 character to 3 characters.

This means that anyone who has not transferred any characters will be able to transfer 3 characters, and anyone that has already taken the opportunity to transfer a character to Tribble will be allowed 2 additional transfers. For details on how to transfer, check out blog post #13. It is worth noting that you do need an empty character slot on Tribble in order to transfer a character.

We have not been getting as much feedback on higher end Klingon game play as we hoped, so if you have a Klingon character to transfer over, give it a try! We’re looking forward to more Klingon feedback on the Tribble Forums.

During previous dev blog posts we have announced a set of awards that you can earn for your Holodeck character by playing on Tribble. Since these are scattered through other blog posts, we thought you might appreciate a summary.

The announced awards are:

  • Federation Rewards
    • One free unique Tribble for getting a new Federation character up to level 6, or for gaining at least one level on any transferred Federation or Klingon character. This is a unique, bound item that can be claimed on every character on your account.
    • One free 8 Hour XP Boost C-Store Item for getting at least one Federation character to level 11 (does not count transferred characters). This can be claimed by one character on the account.
    • One free chunk of 80,000 Refined Dilithium for getting at least one Federation character to level 31 (does not count transferred characters). This can be claimed by one character on the account.
    • An exclusive title and one free Starship Slot for getting at least one Federation character to level 51 (does not count transferred characters). These are available for all characters on the account.
  • Klingon Rewards
    • One free chunk of 80,000 Refined Dilithium for getting at least one Klingon character to level 31 (does not count transferred characters). This can be claimed by one character on the account.
    • An exclusive title and one free Starship Slot for getting at least one Klingon character to level 51 (does not count transferred characters). The title will be different from the one for Federation play. These are available for all characters on the account.
  • Duty Officer Rewards
    • One unique blue quality Duty Officer for completing at least one tier 1 commendation in the Duty Officer system. This is a unique, bound item that can be claimed on every character on the account.
    • One unique purple quality Duty Officer for completing at least one tier 2 commendation in the Duty Officer system. This is a unique, bound item that can be claimed on every character on the account.
    • One unique purple quality Duty Officer with a unique ability not available anywhere else in the game for completing at least one tier 3 commendation in the Duty Officer system. This is a unique, bound item that can be claimed on every character on the account.

All earned awards will be granted to players on Holodeck after the build on Tribble makes it to Holodeck. We plan to grant all of the awards as quickly as we can, but are promising that they will be granted within 3 weeks after the build is live on Holodeck. To answer the obvious question, we have not announced a date yet for when the build will get to Holodeck.

If you have not taken the time to go try out the game changes on Tribble, now would be a great time to do so. Come have some fun with us on Tribble and earn some awards for your Holodeck character!

Stephen D’Angelo
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

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