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Star Trek Online

Release Notes: March 5th, 2015

Von CaptainSmirk | Mi 04 Mär 2015 17:15:05 PST


  • Created a memorial for Spock as well as a tribute to some Star Trek icons no longer with us:
    • We have replaced the central structure on the fountain on Vulcan with a stone statue of Spock with the inscription “Live Long and Prosper."
    • We have added the same statue to New Romulus with the inscription “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”.
    • We have added a memorial plaque to ESD, Qo’Nos, and New Romulus Command for those of the Star Trek family who have passed.
      • Players will be able to interact with this memorial and read the names, the dates of their birth and passing, and a personal quote where possible.
    • Through the next week there will be black flags of mourning in Earth Spacedock, Qo'noS, and New Romulus.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing items named [Enhanced Engineering Systems] and [Enhanced Maneuvering Systems] to populate into some players' Overflow bags upon map transfer.
    • These items can safely be deleted.
  • Made the quick-equip window twice its original size and added room for 3 more rows at the bottom for a total of 8.



  •  “Dust to Dust” is now a standard episode.
    • This is found as the last episode in the Delta Quadrant arc.
    • This mission is now set to level 60.
  • Resolved an issue where players were sometimes not receiving rewards for the Crystalline Catastrophe PvE queue.
  • All Delta Quadrant and Tau Dewa Sector Patrol systems reward 480 Dilithium for completion.
  • Decreased the Borg Red Alert cooldown to 30 minutes.
  • Added a 5 Year Anniversary Perk for taking part in the scanning for Omega Particles mission.
    • This will retroactively apply for all players who participated since this event is now over.



  • Resolved an issue which was preventing “EPS Power Transfer” from benefiting from the effects of “All Hands on Deck”.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing the Cruiser Command - Weapon Systems Efficiency to continually flash its application FX if more than one player used this effect in the same area.
  • The Defense Platform console found on the Tactical Command Battlecruisers has had its tooltip updated to include the amount of beam damage it deals.


Known Issues:

  • KDF players do not appear in the scoreboard at the end of a PVP match.
  • “Boost Morale” inadvertently clears friendly stack of “Plasmonic Leech” and other effects that Debuff a foe while Buffing self.
  • Sometimes when trying to pick up loot, the loot Is called “Loot Critter”.
  • The Kinetic Cutting Beam triggers the Qib Starship Trait "Advanced Firing Solutions" when fired.

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