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Star Trek Online

Save 10% on Star Trek Online Ships from Hero Collector!

Von Ambassador Kael | Di 07 Jul 2020 09:00:00 PDT

Star Trek Online’s partnership with Hero Collector is continuing, and we’re proud to show off the next few ships you’ll be able to aquire from their website. We’ll have more details on this promotion during this Saturday’s Day of Honor, so make sure to tune in to that! The next four ships, some of which are being newly announced today, are:

  • The Gagarin
  • The Chimera
  • The Andromeda
  • The Bortasqu’


In addition to one of our most popular ships in the game, and Aron Eisenberg’s personal ship as Captain Nog, we also have our first Klingon ship to join the line!

Hero Collector is holding a special promotion for Star Trek Online captains from 7/8 until 7/31. Captains in the US, UK, EU, and Australia can save 10% on all Star Trek Online ships using the code STONLINE10. We’ll be taking a look at these new models tomorrow on a new Ten Forward Weekly, at 4:30 PM PT (Thursday, July 9 at 01:30AM CEST) on the Cryptic Twitch Channel. See you then!

sto-news, sto-launcher, sto-xbox, sto-playstation, star-trek-online,

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