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Patch Notes: Version: NW.135.20220328a.5

Von Nitocris | Mi 13 Apr 2022 21:03:34 PDT


Content and Environment

Future Events

  • Certain calendar entries now have correct translations.



Combat and Powers

Classes and Balance: Bard

  • Various bard songs that say they affect "nearby allies" (e.g., Blaze Flamenco, Rejuvenating Carol) will now also affect friendly players who are not in your party. Songs that say they specifically affect teammates (e.g., Defender's Minuet) are not affected. Full list of affected powers:
    • Songs:
      • Aurora Fantasia
      • Blaze Flamenco
      • Rejuvenating/Reinvigorating Carol
      • Reprised Carols
      • Sheltering Etude
      • Steel March
      • Tailwind Mambo
      • Warding Carol
    • Class Feature: Vamos Alla!
    • Daily: Curtain Call
  • Bards should see fewer annoying "You must wait longer after playing a song" or "You can't do that right now" messages when trying to perform another action after playing a song.

Companion Powers

  • The Watler Companion now grants Movement Speed stat instead of doubling the amount of Adventuring Accreditation gained from Portobello's Campaign.
    • Note that this currently may not display in the character sheet.




Items and Economy


  • Blessed Artifact Weapons can once again properly be refined.
  • Certain insignias in the Mythic Insignia Pack now properly refer to Critical Severity instead of Armor Penetration.

Lockbox of Dark Omens

  • The Omen of Despair, Legendary Corrupted Unicorn, and Dragon Hunter Companion reclaims and power unlocks should now work properly.



User Interface


  • The “Buy” button should once again work properly.



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