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Patch Notes: Version: NW.135.20220208a.17

Von Nitocris | Mi 23 Mär 2022 16:18:53 PDT

Known Issues

With the release of the new Lockbox of Dark Omens, there are a couple issues in this release that will be addressed soon, ideally next week.

  • The Omen of Despair mount can be consumed even if the player already has the mount in its stable. This will cause the item to vanish and a secondary copy of the Stalwart power to apply to the powers list.
  • The Corrupted Unicorn mount has the same issue as the Omen of Despair mount.




Challenge of the Gods

  • Challenges of the Gods no longer drop while on queued maps.
    • They can still drop during instanced maps, however, and quests on instanced maps still override the quest tracker. For now, players will still have to open the journal while in instanced maps to check the goal of a Challenge.
  • The merchant associated with the Coins of Waukeen event now spawns in the Moonstone Mask during the Challenge of the Gods event as well, as the Blessed Gift of the Gods contains Coins of Waukeen.
    • Please note that there is not a "last chance" period for Challenge of the Gods, so unspent coins will not be usable until the next run of either Challenge of the Gods or Coins of Waukeen.
  • The event calendar has been updated through mid-June.
  • Various tooltips have been updated to properly remove mentions of Enchantments.



Content and Environment

Crown of Keldegonn

  • Another certain gap in collision has been closed.



Combat and Powers

Mount Powers

  • Legendary Carpet of Flying
    • Mount Power (Vortex): Fixed an issue where only the first tick of damage was occuring, resulting in ~17% of intended damage.
    • Mount Power (Vortex): Significantly increased the magnitude of the pull force.



Items and Economy


  • All old enchantments and runestones which are no longer equippable have had their names and descriptions updated to reflect those changes.
  • Metallic Dragonborn unlock tokens should no longer be usable if the player has already unlocked Metallic Dragonborn.
  • Mount insignias earned before the launch of Dragonbone Vale no longer have a chance to have different internal values than new mount insignias, causing them to no longer be able to stack in bags.


  • Seals of the North granted from the Crown of Keldegonn (Master) Treasure Chests should now respect the weekly cap and start granting Seals of the Wild when the weekly cap is met.



User Interface

Zen Market

  • The rotating Zen Market banner no longer shows an ad for "New Bard Transmutes are available!" or the Bard's Entourage Pack. (The purchases themselves are still available for now.)





  • All text localization for all locales should now be current as of March 15, 2022.



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