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Patch Notes: Version: NW.105.20181121b.21

Von Julia (nitocris83) | Mo 18 Feb 2019 14:15:33 PST

Release Notes

Content and Environment

Acquisitions Incorporated

  • Job Faire: The introductory cutscene now starts when players walk through the archway in Blacklake District, rather than immediately upon loading into the map.
  • Retrieval Operation: Some hitches in the terrain have been smoothed out.


  • Fiery Pit: The Sword of Justice: When fighting General Fury, the arena barrier is now visible.
  • Merchant Prince's Folly: When the inner courtyard is secure, the player is no longer repeatedly told that they are needed outside.
  • Merchant Prince's Folly: When the inner courtyard is secure, the player is no longer repeatedly told that they are needed outside.
  • Merchant Prince's Folly: When the inner courtyard is secure, the player is no longer repeatedly told that they are needed outside.
  • Ralvortix now properly leashes if the player tries to kite them too far.
  • Stronghold: My Only Enemy is Time: Some tweaks have been made to how this quest notifies the player of progress.
  • Various dungeons and skirmishes now show their quest and instance progress consistently. This addresses issues such as Death Sphere progress not showing up in Castle Never, etc.


Combat and Powers


  • Staggering Challenge now properly affects Griffon's Wrath.
  • Barbarian's Revelry now properly and consistently applies on critical hits.


Items and Economy


  • Adamantine Armguards +1 and Shimmerweave Armwraps +1 now properly have a higher item level than their normal versions.
  • New Year's Boar: This mount can now properly be added to the stable if a player already has basic boar mount.
  • Star of Simril: This companion can now properly equip rings.
  • The Leira fashion set now has appropriate icons.
  • The following potions now properly grant bonuses:
    • Enhanced Superior Fortification Potion +1
    • Enhanced Superior Potion of Accuracy +1
    • Enhanced Superior Tidespan Potion +1
    • Enhanced Superior Potion of Reflexes +1
    • Major Flask of Potency +1
    • Superior Flask of Potency +1


User Interface


  • Players in the party can now properly be muted, if desired, during movable-camera cutscenes.


  • Master's Desk: On the "All" tab, there's now a display showing current and maximum artisans.


Animation, Audio, Character Art, and Effects


  • After a visit to the dentist, the Yeti mount no longer loses a tooth when roaring.

Character Art

  • Glacial Scepter now properly sits at, not above, the Devoted Cleric's hip.
  • The colors on the Ghost's Longcoat have been smoothed to reduce the clashing of colors when using dye.

Visual Effects

  • Savage Pact Blade of the Many Arrows: Visual effects now show up on the full weapon instead of just the hilt.
  • Summoning the Legendary Swarm Mount no longer causes the screen to go completely black for a moment in certain locations.




  • Various fixes have been made for the French, German, Italian, and Russian locales.

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