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Portobello's Campaign: The Madness of Chris Perkins

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Ср 30 мар 2016 08:55:43

Neverwinter is pleased to have a special guest Dungeon Master for the upcoming Respen’s Game: Wizards of the Coast’s Chris Perkins!

A History of Dungeon Mastery

Chris Perkins has a long history at Wizards of the Coast.  As a teenager in the late 80’s, Chris wrote the adventure “Wards of the Witching Ways” for Dungeon magazine #11. Almost a decade later he became the editor of Dungeon, and eventually the editor in chief of Wizards periodicals. He went on to become the senior producer for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. In 2007 Chris became the story manager for D&D before the release of 4th edition, his team updating the setting and cosmology of D&D as the fourth edition was being developed.  He now is the story manager for D&D 5th edition.

Acquisitions Incorporated

Chris is also well-known for his Dungeon Mastering in the long-running Acquisitions Incorporated game run for years at Penny Arcade Expo (PAX). The Acquisitions Incorporated stories centered on the humorous exploits of an adventuring company run by the characters Omin Dran (Jerry Holkins of Penny Arcade), Binwin Bronzebottom (Scott Kurtz of PvP), and Jim Darkmagic (Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade), along with a rotating selection of “interns”.  These games became on ongoing series of popular podcasts available on the Wizards of the Coast website.

Respen’s Marvelous Game: Portobello’s Campaign

The Respen’s Game event was first introduced in Neverwinter in its first year, and involved players becoming miniatures on a giant tabletop game. This summer we have a very special Respen’s Game featuring Chris Perkins reprising his role of “Portobello DaVinci” from last year’s PAX Acquisitions Incorporated game! Portobello will be providing players with a series of challenges and re-introduce them to a number of familiar characters from the game: the gargoyles Watler and Staldof, Danielle the Drider, and her drow-loving svirfneblin minions. Chris himself wrote the dialog for the characters, and recorded the voices, providing you with a hilarious D&D experience!

We know you’re going to love all of the funny, creative things that Chris was able to bring to the table for this upcoming event, and we here on the Neverwinter team can’t thank him enough for his enthusiasm and hard work.

 [Editor’s Note: Not only was I lucky enough to be there for the voice recordings, I also got to participate in an adventure that he wrote and mapped on the plane trip from Washington to California! After he’d killed all of our characters (in embarrassing fashion I might add), he was nice enough to sign the sheets and even draw a little symbol showing my poor dwarf’s fate, as shown in the next image. Sadly, he wasn’t wearing his Portobello costume from the live show. Maybe next time...]

Check out the details of Portobello’s Campaign, running March 31 to April 28 this year!

Randy Mosiondz

Senior Game Designer and Loremaster

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