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Developer Blog: Demons Will Be Unleashed!

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Пт 13 ноя 2015 10:10:00

Hey folks! Demogorgon is about to bring a flood of demonic terror to the Underdark, and only the brave heroes of Neverwinter can stop them! Neverwinter: Underdark is right around the corner and I wanted to take a minute to remind you of some of the new features and challenges you’ll be facing.

In this upcoming expansion, we’re introducing new replayable content, the ability to visually preview gear, a new campaign, the markets of Mantol-Derith, a new Stronghold plot location, a new Stronghold PvP tower, a massive rework of the Tarmalune Tradebar Store, a large-scale battle against the Prince of Demons: Demogorgon, and quests written by R.A. Salvatore!

And you can’t forget about artifact reforging and masterwork professions! For more information on the above items (and more!), check out the following dev blogs, which are available in our Underdark Developer Hub:


Thanks for reading and we can’t wait to see you in game!

Scott Shicoff

Lead Designer

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