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Upgrade the Community Stronghold - Rewards For All!

Автор: Andy (StrumSlinger) | Чт 06 авг 2015 14:42:56

With Strongholds approaching in under one week, we’d like to celebrate how far we’ve come as a community. We still remember adventurers asking for some sort of guild housing way back when Neverwinter just launched and to see it here in the light of day makes us proud to have adventurers like you to support these ideas!

We want to work together as a community to welcome the launch of Strongholds by building a community stronghold! We’ve even completed the first step for you: finding one in the wild.

(Home sweet home. It doesn’t look too haunted.)

(Settling in! Work those shovels!)

Would you look at that, an abandoned keep just waiting to be transformed into a bustling stronghold we can call home. Just beware of any bears or orcs that might be crawling outside.

How can we rank up our community stronghold? A little influence goes a long way! By putting more eyes on our Neverwinter: Strongholds Official Gameplay Trailer and spreading the eventual Facebook and Twitter announcement, the stronghold will continue to grow and will be reflected in the gorgeous wallpaper you see above. The wallpaper will be available in different sizes very soon! Keep an eye out on our media page.

With an ever-growing stronghold comes rewards for all! Every time we reach a certain threshold, the community will be rewarded in big ways. Take a look at the breakdown of ranking up our community stronghold, which includes which social medium we’ll be focusing on and the time frames. Make sure to tell all your friends, guild mates and even the Neverwinter Commoners!

Section 1: Starts now until August 16 at 11:59pm PDT (YouTube: Watch our official gameplay trailer here or watch the Facebook video)

  • 70K Views – Everyone gets a free Stone of Health + our Community Manager, StrumSlinger does something on stream of your choice! Look out for poll options on the forums. 
  • 85K Views – Neverwinter Vanguard Pack + Cavalier title. 
  • 100K Views – Double Enchantments & Runestones Weekend. 
  • Once August 17 comes around, we'll announce how many tiers the community reached, and when and how you can claim your rewards!


Section 2: August 11 – August 23 at 11:59pm PDT (Twitter: Retweet our “Neverwinter: Strongholds is LIVE!” announcement when we tweet it on August 11)

  • 100 Retweets – Everyone gets free Scrolls of Life x 5.
  • 200 Retweets – Claw of Bahamut + Scales of Bahamut. With Greed of the Dragonflight’s importance with this expansion, we’ve decided to offer you guys the chance to improve your success rate with these items. The Claw of Bahamut is an Armor Reinforcement Kit, which increases damage against dragons by 5%. The Scale of Bahamut is also an Armor Reinforcement Kit, which heals you after a damaging attack from a dragon.
  • 300 Retweets – Double RP Weekend.
  • Once August 24 comes around, we'll announce how many tiers the community reached, and when and how you can claim your rewards!


Section 3: August 11 – August 23 at 11:59pm PDT (Facebook: Share our “Neverwinter: Strongholds is LIVE!” announcement on Facebook when we post it on August 11)

  • 100 Shares – Mark of the Dragon Slayer, Rank 2. This Overload Enchantment can only be obtained by having a Rank 10 Stronghold, but we’re prepared to give you guys a head start for all your Dragonflight needs. Once slotted, your damaging at-will, encounter and daily powers deal an additional 10% damage against Dragon-type enemies.
  • 200 Shares - Double AD Weekend. 
  • 300 Shares – Double Seals Weekend + Coins of Waukeen. 
  • Once August 24 comes around, we'll announce how many tiers the community reached, and when and how you can claim your rewards!


At the end of the week on Fridays, we’ll continue to show you just how far our Stronghold has come by posting the ever-changing wallpaper! This is also the time where we’ll discuss which goals have been met, but we won't announce when and how the rewards will be claimed until after the final day.

With that said, we encourage all adventurers to use the wallpaper above on their respective computers and change it with each passing week. After all, this is our Stronghold! It also needs a name. What should it be?

So there we have it! Let's build this Stronghold. First step is by watching our trailer!

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